TABLE OF CONTENTS IIHF OFFICIAL RULE BOOK 2023/24 – SECTION 07 98 RESTRAINING FOULS (II) In the event of a Player being held or interfered with by a spectator, play will be stopped. If the Team of the Player interfered with is in “possession of the puck”, game action will continue until a “change of possession” occurs. RULE 57 TRIPPING 57.1. TRIPPING A Player shall not place the stick, or any part of their body in such a manner that causes their opponent to trip or fall. Accidental trips which occur simultaneously with a completed play will not be penalized. Accidental trips occurring simultaneously with or after a stoppage of play will not be penalized. 57.2. MINOR PENALTY The Referee shall, at their discretion, assess a Minor Penalty, based on the severity of the infraction, to any Player who place their stick or any part of their body in such a manner that it shall cause their opponent to trip and fall. 57.3. MAJOR PENALTY The Referee, at their discretion, may assess a Major Penalty to a Player guilty of “tripping” an opponent, and who recklessly endangers the fouled Player in a way that at the discretion of the Referee such Player would not be sufficiently sanctioned by im-posing a Minor Penalty. 57.4. MAJOR PENALTY AND GAME MISCONDUCT PENALTY The Referee, at their discretion, may assess a Major Penalty and an automatic Game Misconduct Penalty if, in their judgment, the Player recklessly endangers their opponent by a “tripping” and the player would not be sufficiently sanctioned by imposing a Major Penalty. Such assessment of reckless endangerment shall be based on the severity of the infraction, severity of the contact, the degree of violence and the general reprehensibility involved. 57.5. PENALTY SHOT This rule is described under ➔ Rule 24.8 – Infractions 57.6. AWARDED GOAL This rule is described under ➔ Rule 25 – Awarded Goal 57.7. DISCIPLINARY MEASURES If deemed appropriate, Supplementary Discipline can be applied by the Proper Authorities at their discretion. ➔ Rule 28 – Supplementary Discipline. 07 SECTION · RESTRAINING FOULS