TABLE OF CONTENTS IIHF OFFICIAL RULE BOOK 2023/24 – APPENDIX IV 186 TABLES OVERVIEW TABLE 14 · RULE 16 Minor Penalties Goals scored against short-handed Team Minor Penalty expiration criteria: A. Is the Team scored against, short-handed? B. Are they serving a Minor Penalty on the clock? C. If the answer is yes to a) and b), delete the Minor Penalty with the least amount of time on the clock, except when coincidental penalties are being served. EXAMPLES TIME TEAM A TEAM B ANSWER REMARKS C Two Players of the same Team – combination of minor and major penalties – signaled (S*) C 4 3:00 A15 – 2+2 4:00 A23 – 2 4:30 GOAL No Player returns 5:30 GOAL A23 returns The first minor to A15 ends. A23 returns because they have the least amount of time to serve in their Minor Penalty. C 5 3:00 A15 – 2 A15 returns The signaled Double-minor Penalty (S*) A23 – 2+2 to A23 is assessed at 4:30. 4:30 GOAL C 6 3:00 A15 – 5+2 A23 returns A15 must first serve the Major 4:00 A23 – 2 Penalty. A23 returns as their are 4:30 GOAL serving a Minor Penalty. C 7 3:00 A15 – 5+2 A23 returns Least amount of time to serve. 7:30 A23 – 2 8:30 GOAL C 8 3:00 A15 – 5+2 Both A15 and The Major Penalty to A15 has 6:00 A23 – 2 A23 return expired. Their Minor Penalty ends 8:00 GOAL with the goal. A23’s Minor Penalty has expired. C 9 3:00 A15 – 5+2 Captain's choice The Major Penalty to A15 has 8:00 A23 – 2 expired. Both minors terminate 9:00 GOAL at the same time IV APPENDIX · TABLES OVERVIEW